Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Inspireashine Jewelry Showcase!

Last Friday I had a showcase of my jewelry at Moonscoop (where I work), and it was more successful than I imagined it would be! Much less stress to deal with than the LA Artwalk or even Etsy. I will definitely look into setting up a little shop at local businesses! Lots of people bought in time for the holidays!

Here are some items I sold. A few are custom-requested.

Friday, December 3, 2010

custom necklaces

I finally made two custom necklaces. Finished them both in one shot. One was due before Halloween (sorry!) the other is still a work in progress. The customer wants me to change a few things. I actually like the coppery hues.

Anne Boleyn Steampunk Necklace

Shift Star Necklace

Friday, November 5, 2010

This is Halloween! (Halloween, Halloween)

This year I dressed up as Mystique Sonia from the animated show "Hero 108" that I am currently working on.

(Mystique Sonia image is property of Moonscoop.)

Here is some concept art:

Yaksha (hat):
I used materials I got from Target (total $5) and buttons from Joann's for the eyes and nostrils. I used black felt for the teeth.

I bought the dress from Forever 21 for about $11. I cut the seams on the sides and hammered some eyelets in to tie red ribbon through because Sonia's dress flares out.

I bough crinoline fabric from Joann's for about $0.89/yard. I got 5 yards, cut it down to about 24"x2" and tied it onto a red ribbon, a couple inches longer than my waist size. Repeated the tying until the end of the knot.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A few new Steampunk Rings

A few new steampunk-inspired rings I made, since I've been making quite a few custom orders!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

More Steampunk Watch Movement Cuff Links

And many more... to come!

New Custommizable Scrabble Tile Jewelry!

R for Rochelle!

I can make necklaces, bracelets, cuff links, and earrings too!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I am trying to get over my fear of fire and hot objects, and will use my soldering iron under supervision of another adult, someone suitable for the job, perhaps one of my many pyromaniac friends.


I haven't posted anything in a while, but I at least wanted to update you on my Etsy/arts and crafts ventures.

I've been selling a lot of custom-made orders: Typewriter Key Rings and Guinness Bottle Cap Earrings mostly.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Feather Hair Clips and the Review on Downtown Artwalk

Half of these I made and Mehu embellished. The other half Mehu made using a lot of my leftover feathers (what I first started using and what prompted me to open an Etsy shop.)

Anyway, the feather hair clips sold pretty well at Downtown Artwalk, as did Mehu's soaps. True, what we thought would sell (my steampunk clock hand necklaces and Mehu's handbags) didn't really sell. All in all, it wasn't a major profit-source. We spent hours setting up and taking down our booth. It was a workout and a lot of waiting. People started showing around 7pm, so the first 4 hours dragged. We probably tripled our money at best. Most sales were from our friends. Anyway, this probably means we won't be back for next month's Artwalk.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chain Maille Body Armor

Ceres Chain Maille Body Armor

Fortuna Copper Dangles Chain Maille Body Armor

Gold Aphrodite Chain Maille Body Armor